last weekend

1. the cutest kids in the world!
2. a-choo!
3. yaku (dix, stef, me, pichon, katz, jols and diana)
4. maestro (katz, me, stef, diana and cheny)
5. me and a very drunk chris in embassy
i had a pretty packed weekend. see for yourself!
if you want to find me and chris on a thursday night, just head to yaku. the crowd's pretty nice, as well as the band. they play a great mix of 90's and more recent alternative music. it's a nice change from the usual r&b or house music that bars play all-week long. anyway, it was another fun thursday night with diana, katz, stef (and their boys! haha). for me and chris, weekends officially start on thursday!
friday am
our preschool had its first field trip for this year. we took the children to little gym in el pueblo. our kids had so much fun! with about 30 students running around all over the place, it was hard to keep track of every one of them. good thing their yaya's were with them! i was so tempted to do cartwheels and do pullovers on the bar. haha i had to settle with spotting the children while they do forward and backward rolls. all in all, i think i enjoyed little gym more than my kids. :)
friday pm
me, chris, diana, gio, paolo, katz, and stef celebrated with cheny in grilla and maestro. she's celebrating because her group finally passed their thesis! she's really excited about graduating and we're all happy for her. congratulations cheny! welcome to the real world!
me and chris attended the despidida of chris' friend, julian. it was actually a csa party, but so many of my high school friends (from miriam and lsgh) were there. in our table alone, 3 guys from csa had girlfriends from miriam. i'm sure not one of us imagined a scenario like this back in high school. it's funny how small this world really is!
after the party, we ate in embassy's cafeteria. we ordered tapa with rice, chocolate chip pancakes and arroz caldo! me and chris love eating after going out on a gimmick. guess that's why i've been gaining weight! yikes, i really have to go to the gym soon!
that's all for now. time to hit the books, i have a long test in my "statistics for teachers" class. wish me luck! :)
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