a much-needed vacation

things to blame for my absence:
1. work
2. school
3. plain, old laziness
4. hongkong!!!
yup, i once again visited the shopping haven. i pity chris because he had to endure walking all around hongkong with me, my sister mariel and 6 of her friends! and he caried my shopping bags, too! that's why i love him so much! :)
but the fun part was visiting hongkong disneyland. it's my fourth disney park and it was pretty okay. yeah, it was relatively smaller than the others, but at least the park was tourist-friendly. me and my brother will never forget this ride in tokyo disneyland. it was supposed to be a 360-degree theater so we thought it would be cool and all. you can just imagine our dismay when we found out that it was a 15-minute movie on the history of japan...and it was in japanese! so i think it's good that the hk disney attractions are both in chinese and english.
anyway, it was really such a joy to see my niece kylie be overwhelmed by the whole thing- the rides, the parade and the fireworks (my favorite!). i guess it was one of my dreams as a young kid to go to disneyland, and i'm happy that she's experiencing it. you see, i only got to go to disneyland when i was already 15. but i enjoyed it nonetheless. my personal fave is of course the one in la. nothing beats the original. but experiencing the one in hongkong with chris was truly amazing. i guess the magic really is in disneyland, wherever it may be. :)