Wednesday, March 30, 2005

bora bound

yes, im going to b-o-r-a cay! if someone told me last week that i'd be going to the most beautiful island in the world this friday, i would've laughed to his face! while i knew that i was definitely going to bora this summer, i didn't think that it would be this soon. it wasn't at all planned. nem and abi just had this itch to go a couple of days ago. after pulling some strings (with parents and stuff), it seems that i am all set! im so excited that im practically packed! i have a lot of friends with me and there are a lot of things going on there this weekend like that bliss event. i just hope that i don't have to face any major glitches. but whatever happens, i just know that this trip will be extra special. after all, spur of the moment plans are often the best.

Monday, March 28, 2005

baguio revisited

me and some friends Posted by Hello

baguio was a little different this year. yeah, we still stayed in the manor in camp john hay, in practically the same room, with the same view and everything. we also did all the things that we usually do in baguio- go to the church, hangout in starbucks, have dinner in don henrico's (which i think tastes better there) and buy pasalubong in good shepherd. we also pigged out and got lazy most of the time, two very important elements of a great vacation.

the difference this year is that chris and i did a lot of new things. for one, we got to enjoy bagiuo's night life. it’s been a while since i last went to a bar in baguio. i usually go with friends or my brothers. this time, i was with chris and it was kinda nice. we also went to the butterfly sanctuary, which i didn't even know existed. it was actually kinda lame, but kylie enjoyed it anyway. plus, we got some cute pictures with the butterflies too. another new thing for us is going biking in burnham park. it was like being a kid again, at least for twenty minutes. the only difference is that when i was a kid, my mom had to literally drag me away from my bike to get me to stop. these days, i just don't have the same energy anymore. after that, we had a 1-hour massage in the spa in our hotel. it was another baguio first and a very relaxing one. i really believe that a full-body massage is good anywhere around the world.

anyway, we're back here in manila to our boring, old lives. i have to admit that im itching to get out of the city again, this time to any beach. my bikini's need showing off and it's just too f***ing hot!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

off to someplace better

summer officially starts in about an hour, well at least for me. why you ask? well, we're leaving for baguio baby! i know it's just baguio. gosh, we've been going there for holy week for as long as i can remember. but it's still great to be getting out of this congested city! besides, this is the 3rd time that chris is going with us. can you imagine, 3 holy weeks together. who would've thought? i sure hope we do more this year than just sleep and pig out though. i've been doing that for months now, so i think it's time for a break. see you when i get back!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

pretty ironic

i have good news and bad news. the bad news is i just had the worst job interview ever. the good news is i got the job! how did that happen? well, it was really my third interview with the ad agency (a pretty good one, actually). the president of the company was the one doing the interview. let's just say that he's one of the rudest people that i have ever encountered. he even went as far as insulting my previous company by implying that he wasn't familiar with it. all i can say is that he must be a really stupid advertising agency president if he doesn't even know of mega magazine or any of our other titles. i just wonder what he tells their clients when asked about the figures of the different magazines in the philippines. simpy put, some people are just plain jerks!

anyway, like i said, i still got the job. it's safe to say that my previous interviews went really well. my boss, if ever i do take the job, is really nice. and i do believe that i can learn a lot from her. to tell you honestly, i don't really like the job in the first place. the only reason i went to the final inerview was because i had so much fun during my second interview, which included all the members of the team i was supposed to join. i guess having that nightmare of an interview was some sort of a sign telling me how wrong that job was for me. but it's still an ego boost to get accepted...even if i knew that i would refuse it all along.

growing up

last week, someone really close to me left for the states to find a "better" life. i know it's no big deal, people do it everyday. i guess i just really felt sad...and somewhat scared. sad for him being all alone there, and sad for everyone here who will miss him. scared to realize that we are all indeed growing up...

i know that i'm in that point in my life where i start to make life-defining decisions. what career path should i take? when should i get married? is this really what i want??? i guess i just don't want to waste my time in making the wrong decisions. but i'm pretty sure that in time, i'll know all the least i hope i would.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

test, test

just testing something...

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


embassy virgins Posted by Hello

last saturday, we finally set foot inside embassy, the current "it" spot in the metro. it was actually divided into two parts- the cuisine and the club itself. personally, i like the cuisine better. we didn't actually eat, we just had a few drinks before going inside the club. the interior was really great and it was a pretty good venue to hangout with friends. i also heard that the food is just like le souffle's, only a bit cheaper. that's more than good enough for me.

the club was another story. i don't know if i'm just getting old, but the club scene just doesn't appeal to me anymore. going in the club was like going back into time, specifically 1999, the year when raves and events were a weekend thing. it was just like a mini event inside, complete with people who had glow sticks or whatever they call those nowadays. i didn't even know that they still made those! in fairness to the club, the crowd was actually okay. after all, the place is fairly new so i guess it's still safe from being a sellout.

one of the cool things about the club is that it had a vip room. there was a password for you to get in. if i get to have a bar of my own, i'd also have a "members only" room with all the works- overflowing drinks, the most comfy couches, the right music to set the mood and best of all, it will overlook the regular bar so that the "members" can actually check out everyone else without being seen. and the password? well, did you really think that i'd give you the password?!

Friday, March 04, 2005

just shop

borgy, our pool boy Posted by Hello

hey guys! check out today's philippine daily inquirer. remember the shoot i was telling you about? well, it's coming out today. haven't seen it myself but i know it's pretty good. :)

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

edsa day and american idol

although i technically live in edsa (well, at least our village has an edsa gate), i was nowhere near the shrine last feb 25. instead, me and chris headed to our friend francis’ house in batangas. diana, agnes and gio were also there. we were supposed to go wakeboarding first, but because it was out of the way, we didn’t want to get dark and we didn’t have enough money, we decided not to. i still plan to go one of these days, though. anyway, we had so much fun. we didn’t swim or anything. we just ate a lot, drank (at least they did), relaxed and had a videoke showdown all throughout the day.

i was so inspired by american idol that i practically hogged the mike. don’t you ever wonder what you would sing if you auditioned for american idol? i’d probably sing a whitney houston song like “saving all my love for you” or “run to you”. i’d love to hear what simon will say about my rendition…or maybe not. at least i think paula will say something like “you’re a very beautiful girl…” before flushing my pop star dreams down the toilet! haha i wish!

my favorite among the girls is carrie underwood. she’s so good! and i really think that america has had enough of the typical black singer (no offense, but the last 2 idols were black and i think 3 in a row is a bit too much). i have many favorites among the boys. constantine is sooo hot! that other rocker dude is admittedly a better singer, but like simon said, constantine has a certain charisma. i like anthony federov’s voice, too. it’s really effortless and soothing. surprisingly, i also like that scott savol guy, the one who looks like a serial killer. of course there’s anwar and mario vasquez. mario’s really good, but i think that he’s just like latoya last year. he’s arguably one of the favorites and he can really sing, but it still depends on america’s votes.

anyway, me and chris plan to go to the states this summer for our friends’ anya and paolo’s wedding. i hope that there’s still american idol by that time ‘cause im gonna vote for sure! you see, i have this bet with chris. he just picked mario vasquez and that lindsey girl (she’s pretty daw kasi) and the rest of the contestants are mine. im pretty sure that i won’t have a hard time winning this bet.