baguio revisited

me and some friends

baguio was a little different this year. yeah, we still stayed in the manor in camp john hay, in practically the same room, with the same view and everything. we also did all the things that we usually do in baguio- go to the church, hangout in starbucks, have dinner in don henrico's (which i think tastes better there) and buy pasalubong in good shepherd. we also pigged out and got lazy most of the time, two very important elements of a great vacation.
the difference this year is that chris and i did a lot of new things. for one, we got to enjoy bagiuo's night life. it’s been a while since i last went to a bar in baguio. i usually go with friends or my brothers. this time, i was with chris and it was kinda nice. we also went to the butterfly sanctuary, which i didn't even know existed. it was actually kinda lame, but kylie enjoyed it anyway. plus, we got some cute pictures with the butterflies too. another new thing for us is going biking in burnham park. it was like being a kid again, at least for twenty minutes. the only difference is that when i was a kid, my mom had to literally drag me away from my bike to get me to stop. these days, i just don't have the same energy anymore. after that, we had a 1-hour massage in the spa in our hotel. it was another baguio first and a very relaxing one. i really believe that a full-body massage is good anywhere around the world.
anyway, we're back here in manila to our boring, old lives. i have to admit that im itching to get out of the city again, this time to any beach. my bikini's need showing off and it's just too f***ing hot!
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